Author of
the award winning book,
A Little about the Author
Born and raised in Washington State, Cassandra resides there with her husband, Eric, and sons, Jackson and Wyatt. At the age of three, Wyatt was diagnosed with Autism. After navigating the difficult path of denial, education, acceptance, and finally, advocacy, Cassandra works at a Birth to Three program helping other families in need of early intervention services. For Cassandra, this journey has birthed a passion for raising awareness of Autism, advocating for acceptance, asking for kindness, helping educate others on being inclusive to those with disabilities, and teaching children that it’s OK to be different, but it’s NOT OK to be mean.
Cassandra has found a way to make a difference by writing children's books. Her first book in The Happy Flappy Child Series, A Little Different, has earned significant recognition in the Children's book world, with four finalist awards. She is currently working on the next in the series.
A Little about the Autism
Autism is a developmental condition affecting how people communicate and interact with others. It can make things like talking to others or understanding social cues more challenging.
Autism is a 'Spectrum Disorder,' a term that underscores its wide-ranging nature. It can manifest differently in each person, with some experiencing challenges in social interactions or emotional expression, while others may exhibit repetitive behaviors or intense interests in specific topics. Sensory sensitivities, such as being overwhelmed by certain sounds, sights, textures, or smells, are also common.
It's important to remember that every person with Autism is unique, with their personality traits, strengths, and challenges. We need to treat others with acceptance, understanding, and kindness.